Monday, December 07, 2009

Flower power

I love flowers in a big, big way, so I love that The Flower Pot on Gay Street loves to give away free flowers to people of a certain name every day. The other day as I was walking by, they were giving away free flowers to people named Holly and Charles.

Apologies for the poor camera phone quality.

I've never been by on a day when they're giving away a free flower to anyone named The Modern Gal, but let me know if you see that they are (since I don't get to walk by every day.)

The Flower Pot is at 700 S. Gay St. on the same block as Dazzo's. It's also at 2314 N. Broadway across from the Fellini Kroger.


The Pol said...

how long til they have a "Pansy for the Pol" day?

ck said...

Don't let her fool you, readers. Holly is the Modern Gal's real name- she went in there and cleaned 'em out.

B said...

Oh, I didn't know they did that. That's real sweet. Fingers crossed that B shows up there soon!