Thursday, March 05, 2009

Knoxville and Tarantino?

So i just "stumbled" upon this, does anyone know anything about this? Look at the make on the bat (towards the handle)...

UPDATE/ck: I fixed The Pol's broken image link. It's called Inglourious Basterds. Here's the trailer:

He's from here, and there always weird little Knoxville connections in his movies, e.g. Bruce Willis's character in Pulp Fiction is trying to get here.


Anonymous said...

The Brad Pitt character in the new Tarantino film is described as an "Illiterate hillbilly from the mountains of Tennessee."

Eli Roth's character is a baseball-bat swingin' golem-type.

Knoxville seems to have a stigma! Who knew?

Ethan said...

I hadn't heard about this till now...

It looks amazing to some degree, but mostly just makes me worried.

stan said...

do you think tarantino ever gets tired of tarantino movies? i know i do...

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure, but I thought Tarantino was born in Knoxville, and his parents moved to California soon after. That might explain his proclivity for returning to the scene of the crime without actually knowing much about the criminals.

Anonymous said...

You know Hollywood hates Southerners! Dan Rather even said we are bigots! Anything to make us look like stupid hayseeds makes them proud. That dude who is the lead actors accent was pretty lame! Isn't that Leonardo. I get all those left wingers confused!

max said...

why is "bastards" spelled "basterds"?

ck said...

I think Tarantino intentionally misspelled it. "Inglourious" has an extra "u" too. One of many indicators that this will be a weird movie.

B said...

at least it's not basturds.